Can you summarize a vacation in 6 minutes? Perhaps. One can hardly fit the incredible beauty of Sicily in such a brief video, but it […]
Our Blog
First marriage at Florio Tuna Factory on Favignana
The first civil ceremony marriage at the former Florio factory on Favignana was celebrated 22nd of June. The bride-to-be, based at Casa Faro with family […]
A Favignana gli studenti scoprono l’arte del tagliapietre e a Marettimo vivono “un giorno da pescatori”. Lo scorso aprile, il programma “Delfini Guardiani delle isole […]
Guardian Dolphins of the Egadi islands
In Favignana students discover the art of the stonemason while in Marettimo they experience ‘one day as a fisherman’. Last April, the Guardian Dolphins from […]
Castello di Santa Caterina, Favignana
“Si puo’ visitare? Si arriva in auto o ce’ solo un sentiero per raggiungerlo a piedi?” Numerosi ospiti e visitatori pongono queste domande. Trovo […]
Saint Catherine Fortress, Favignana
“Can we visit it? Can you get there by car or do you have to walk?” Many of our guests and visitors to Favignana […]
Sagra del mandorlo in fiore, Agrigento
Ai piedi della “collina sacra”, storia, folklore ed arte si mescolano armoniosamente in una festa di primavera che Agrigento e la sua Valle offrono all’attenzione […]
Agrigento Almond Fest
At the foot of the “sacred hill” history, folklore and art blend harmoniously in a spring festival that Agrigento and its valley offer up […]
Settimana Santa a Trapani
Durante il periodo della settimana santa, che precede la domenica di Pasqua, Trapani offre una serie di manifestazioni, funzioni e riti custoditi gelosamente sin da […]
Trapani and its holy week
During the period of Holy Week, which precedes Easter Sunday, Trapani offers a series of events: jealously guarded functions and rituals since ancient times. In […]